Zanetti Story
Dock Sud Story, a short story about Javier Zanetti, captain from Buenos Aires

Zanetti Story
Enormous Films
“A man with no excesses, but with a story bordering on myth”. This is how Argentinian poet Albino Guaròn defines Javier Zanetti, one of the last symbols of global football. Albino Guaròn is one of the most mysterious and fascinating authors in global literature, and he decided to dedicate his last novel to Javier Zanetti. Javier’s life is told through poetic words and fragments inspired by Guaròn’s works, but also from the voices of his teammates, coaches, from journalists and show business celebrities, from José Mourinho to Lionel Messi, from Gad Lerner to Fiorello, from Sandro Mazzola to Roberto Baggio. In 1995, when Zanetti was still a boy, he left Buenos Aires to go play in Europe, in FC Inter. He quickly becomes one of the most beloved players for his fans and most esteemed adversary from opposite teams. As the years go by and high end players pass through FC Inter without ever winning anything, Zanetti keeps training and fighting everyday with the same strength he had in the beginning, when he was still a child and he was told he was too delicate and frail to play professional football. To get to his late 30s, to Madrid and to the magic night of the historical treble, when he did what no other captain had managed to do in the entire history of Inter, by winning the treble.
director: Carlo A. Sigon e Simone Scafidi
script: Carlo A. Sigon, Simone Scafidi, Rudi Ghedini
production: Enormous Film, Luchino Visconti di Modrone
executive producer: Claudia Amendola
DOP: Patrizio Saccò, Ivan Marasco, Sebastian Sarraute
editing: Fabio Capalbo, Michela Menichelli
music: Riccardo Cammalleri, Angelo G. Mauro
sound: Lorenzo Dal Ri
ditribution: Nexo Digital
with: Javier Zanetti, Albino Guaròn, José Mourinho, Lionel Messi, Roberto Baggio, Fiorello, Paula Della Fuente, Michele Serra, Beppe Severgnini, Gad Lerner, Massimo Moratti, Esteban Cambiasso, Ivan Ramiro Cordoba, Sebastián Rambert, Sandro Mazzola, Giuseppe Bergomi