Nothing wrongh

Nothing wrongh

Original production



During the pandemic, 300 eleven year-old students were given journals. They could use these journals to write about their perception of the passing of time. Some of them were given a small camera, to tell their stories even within the walls of their house, where the only individual space is a small bedroom, away from the adult world.

Their sorrows, confessions and dreams become the steps of a journey, the inner thoughts of their classmates and their big daily adventures in a newly isolated life keep alternating.

It is the choral story of a generation suspended between a childhood they had to abandon far too quickly and a more and more uncertain adulthood.

Direction: Davide Barletti e Gabriele Gianni
Editing: Mattia Soranzo
Sound Design: Giuseppe D’Amato e Andrea Gramigna
Mix: Federico Tummolo
Music: Mario Salvucci e Alessandro Linzitto
Assistant film editor: Giulia Epifani
Production: Cinemovel Foundation


  • Annecy Cinéma Italien 2022
  • Biografilm Festival 2022

Girls and boys who had the courage to show themselves, throwing the viewer in the overwhelmingly big teenage world. With a sensibility and humanity, the directors themselves admit they weren’t ready for.

La Repubblica

An unsettling movie tells us about the world of teenagers in a peculiar moment in recent history: the pandemic. It doesn’t tell the story from an adult’s perspective though, the main focus is what the kids are thinking and feeling, the way they are becoming actual video makers, thanks to the project coordinated by Ciai with Cinemovel. This is a movie about time and how the protagonists feel about its passing, its unexpected deepness and power.

Il Fatto Quotidiano

What comes to light is a moving collage of thoughts and emotions shot in first person. A crack through which we can see the vision, the poetry and the feelings of these very young directors, with surprising expedients from both a narrative and a technical point of view.

Quotidiano di Puglia

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