Fluid Produzioni signs a co-development agreement with Elk Film for the new Sine Plambech and Janus Metz's documentary

Fluid, Elk Film
The refugee crisis has been raging for a number of years. 2023 set new records for the number of migrants crossing the Mediterranean in the hope of a better life in Europe, and thus also new records for the number of victims.
Politicians and media turn a blind eye while human rights and simple humanity are violated. The issue is more relevant than ever, and the tools used by authorities are becoming increasingly inhumane.
The project is directed by Sine Plambech and Janus Metz and produced by Andreas Dalsgaard and Sofie Husum Johannesen at Elk Film. Drawing on her extensive background as an anthropologist and as a senior researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies, Sine brings unique expertise in areas such as human trafficking, women’s migration, refugees and border politics.
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has now invited Sine on board their rescue ship Geo Barents, which rescues migrants and refugees in the Mediterranean Sea – the world’s deadliest migration route. They are out on the Mediterranean almost every night rescuing people from the sea. They have given us exclusive and unrestricted access to Geo Barents for 14 days from the beginning of April. Therefore, we are applying for funding for the research recordings that will form the basis for the development of the film project RESCUE.
Regia: Sine Plambech & Janus Metz
Sceneggiatura: Sine Plambech & Janus Metz
Produttori Elk: Andreas Dalsgaard e Sofie Husum Johannesen
Produzione: Fluid Produzioni, Elk Film